Swichgage Series These 2-inch and 2-1/2 inch temperature gauges feature built-in electrical switches for activating alarms and/or shutting down equipment. Combination indicating gauge and limit switch Critical/high temperature limit switch…
L150 and EL150 Series
Liquid Level Swichgage® The L150 Series Level Swichgage instrument is a combination liquid level gauge and low-limit switch; each unit includes (1) a chamber with pivotal float, (2) an indicating…
Swichgage Series These 2-inch and 2-1/2 inch pressure gauges feature built-in electrical switches for activating alarms and/or shutting down equipment. Combination indicating gauge and limit switch Critial pressure limit switch…
25DP and A25DP
Swichgage Series These 2-1/2 inch differential pressure indicating gauges feature built-in electrical switches for activating alarms and/or shutting down equipment. Visual of filters condition is shown on the dial indicating…
Product Literature Archive
…date: 12/2014) Installation Instructions (00-02-0819; revision date: 11/2015) 2011 and Earlier Model Year Installation Instructions (00-02-0271; revision date: 10/2018) Installation Diagram (50-08-0017) AMOT Installation Diagram (50-08-0086) 20VWC / 25VWC /…
Centurion® Series
Centurion® Configurable Controller The Centurion C5 Configurable Controller is the core of the Centurion control and monitoring system. The C5 Controller puts users in control with diagnostics that reduce troubleshooting,…
Swichgage Series These pressure-indicating gauges feature built-in electrical switches for activating alarms and/or shutting down equipment. Corrosion resistant polycarbonate case Internal pulsation dampener helps eliminate pointer flutter Maintains accuracy and…
LM300 Series
Level Maintainers The LM300 Series Level Maintainer automatically adds oil to the crankcase as needed to keep the lube level normal. Most models have built-in switches that will alarm and/or…
BMD Back Pressure Valve The BP50 series is a pilot operated regulator used where back pressure needs to be maintained in vent line applications. Typically used with separators, heat treaters,…
BMD Pressure Reducing Valve The PR50 series is a pilot operated regulator used in various pressure reducing applications including compressor suction control and supply or distribution pressure control. Zero-bleed emissions-free…